1 Vortex Dual Blade Roller Gate
Features: Rack and pinion style, hand wheel actuated roller gate. This gate utilizes 2 polymer tipped blades that close simultaneously and meet in the middle of the gate’s opening. The body is constructed of 304 stainless steel and the inlet is equipped with a round to square inlet transition. The valve is designed to be fully supported by inlet.
Details: The customer was looking for a way to pinch off a large bulk bag that was handling chocolate pieces. The originally inquired Vortex about an iris valve. Due to the size of the opening that was needed and some of the other application parameters, the Vortex Roller Gate was identified as the best solution. A standard Roller Gate design was modified to pinch off a bulk bag and fitted a hand wheel actuator that fit the customer’s tight space constraints. The gate was also designed to not have any pinch points, per the customer’s request.