Hybrid seed producer
Source a dustless loading system for their new hybrid corn railcar loadout station.
- Stacking cones constructed from abrasion-resistant steel.
- Handheld remote control pendant.
- Material level-sensing device with auto-raise system, to avoid overfilling. Together, these systems eliminate the need for visual monitoring throughout the loading process.
- Four-cable lifting system, for added support during spout extension and retraction.
- Three-piece, CNC-machined pulleys with rounded edges and precision cable grooves, to significantly reduce cable wear and backlashing. For these reasons, Vortex lifting cables carry a 10-year warranty for wear, tear and workmanship.
When expanding their operation to include a railcar loadout station, this client's primary concerns were loading efficiency and dust management, in order to address workplace and environmental health and safety best practices.
As part of this system, the client also sourced Vortex Aggregate Gates, Vortex Maintenance Gates and Vortex Roller Gates.
Since beginning operations, this client has enjoyed low maintenance and spare parts costs, and the loading system has exceeded their expectations for loadout speed.