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Gypsum & Limestone

Our knowledge and experience with handling abrasive materials like gypsum and limestone came from an extended and close working relationship with those specific industries. We identified material handling components key wear points, reinforced those areas with abrasion resistant materials, and added features to reduce the time it takes to perform maintenance on our components. These improvements extend the valve's service life and reduce life-cycle costs.

Gypsum and limestone are essential minerals used extensively in the building industry. Both are formed from calcium salts; however, their properties and uses differ.

Gypsum (calcium sulfate)
A softer material (1.5-2 on the Mohs scale). It is the main ingredient in drywall, acting as a fire retardant due to its low thermal conductivity. In agriculture, it loosens clay soul. It is a thickening agent for creams and shampoo and a hardening retarder for cement.

Limestone (calcium carbonate)
A bit harder (3-4 on the Mohs scale). It is used as an additive to make cement, a road base, a treatment for acidic soil, a calcium supplement for chickens and cattle, white pigment in toothpaste and paints, and antacid tablets. The great pyramid is made of limestone.

Vortex gates, diverters and loading spouts are relied on to handle both minerals through various processes from rock to powder.

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Gypsum & Limestone


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